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2020 Yokohama PublicRelations(広報よこはま)

Last updated date:2020/12/10

Concerning open data of Koho Yokohama (citywide version) (use of text data)

We will provide text data for Koho Yokohama beginning with the October 2016 issue under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) license.
For text data alone, we will permit secondary use for purposes such as reprinting, copying, redistribution, and alteration, provided that the source is noted.
For notation of the source, please copy the description noted below. Enter the proper month and year of the issue, and embed a link to the proper page of the source.

Source: "Koho Yokohama, MM YY Issue," published by the City of Yokohama.

[Cautions in use]
 Any Koho Yokohama (citywide version) data in forms other than text data (e.g., PDFs and HTML files) are not open data.
 Text data for Koho Yokohama issues before the September 2016 issue are not open data.
 We shall halt use when it is confirmed to exceed the permissible scope or to be improper and deviate from the objective of information dissemination and sharing.
 We would like to collect cases of open data use and reflect them in our future initiatives. If you make use of open data, we would deeply appreciate it if you could send an e-mail to the City of Yokohama Public Relations Division ( providing information about your use within the allowable scope.

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