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  6. 【closed】[Technical Startup Demonstration Experiment Support Program]Yokohama City offers a mentoring program for startups interested in conducting demonstration experiments in Yokohama.


【closed】[Technical Startup Demonstration Experiment Support Program]Yokohama City offers a mentoring program for startups interested in conducting demonstration experiments in Yokohama.

最終更新日 2024年8月16日

August 16, 2024Recruitment closed.


Program Overview

We invite proposals for demonstration experiments from innovative and high-growth international startups in technical fields such as Mobility and GX. Selected startups will receive robust support to effectively conduct demonstration experiments in Japan, including field coordination, prototype development, and partner matching.

1 Eligibility

Overseas startups meeting all of the following criterias:

  • Intention to establish an office in Yokohama in the future
  • Development of products/services based on advanced, unique technologies and the creation of new business models or market expansion
  • The proposed project is to be conducted in Yokohama or in collaboration with domestic partners in Yokohama
  • The company has been incorporated for less than 15 years or has been engaged in the business for less than 15 years

2 Targeted Demonstration Experiment Fields

Utilizing advanced, unique technologies in technical fields such as Mobility and GX
Examples: AI, Robotics, Electronics, Semiconductors, Quantum, Biotechnology, Medical Devices, New Materials, Energy, Environment, Aerospace, etc.

3 Application Period


4 How to Apply

•Application Format
If you wish to apply for this program, please contact us for a preliminary consultation.
After the preliminary consultation, please prepare your application materials and submit them via e-mail.
In addition, please read the Pledge(PDF:468KB) and Privacy Policy(PDF:520KB) and agree to the contents before submitting your application.
Contact: ke-poc-admin@hml.nttdata.co.jp
•Required Materials
 •Format: PowerPoint or PDF, up to 30 pages
  •Company Information
  •Company/Organization Name
  •Company address
  •Company URL
  •Contact Person's Name, Position, Email
 •Business Idea Overview
  •Target customer and issues
  •Solution provided
  •Competitive advantage
  •Advanced nature of the utilized technology
  •Monetization model
 •Demonstration experiment image in Yokohama
 •Matching needs in Yokohama
 •Project teams (Implementation structure)
 •Documents that can verify working capital status
*You may also include any other information freely as you deem necessary.

5 Support Provided

Through online or offline meetings:

  • Field coordination in Yokohama
  • Partnering for prototype development and collaboration
  • Matching for trial implementation
  • Support for consideration of issues and business schemes for business development in Japan after the demonstration experiment
  • Publicity support

6 Schedule

  • Application: June 3 - August 16
  • Selection: Mid-August to late September
  • Support for demonstration experiments and matching: Early October to late February
  • Reporting: March 2025

7 Additional Notes

  • Selection based on application materials, with possible online meetings for Q&A
  • Selected startups must submit a report on the experiment by March 2025
  • Applicants must agree to the prescribed privacy policy when applying for this program


Technical Startup Demonstration Experiment Support Program Office
Email: ke-poc-admin@hml.nttdata.co.jp

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