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  3. For Residents(横浜に住んでいる人)
  4. English
  5. Child Rearing and Education(子育て・教育)
  6. Plan for Measures Against Child Poverty in Yokohama(横浜市子どもの貧困対策に関する計画)

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Plan for Measures Against Child Poverty in Yokohama(横浜市子どもの貧困対策に関する計画)

Last updated date:2023/3/1

About the Plan for Measures Against Child Poverty in Yokohama

The City of Yokohama has formulated the Plan for Measures Against Child Poverty in Yokohama, which covers a five-year period, to promote a wide range of measures for children and young people so that they can grow up healthy and acquire the strength to survive and thrive regardless of the environment in which they were born and raised.
In March 2022, the 2nd Term Plan for Measures Against Child Poverty in Yokohama was formulated. The City of Yokohama will continue to promote measures to address child poverty based on the second phase of the plan.

Plan Booklet Data

Abridged Version leaflet (16 pages)
〇Japanese version(PDF:7,795KB)
〇English version(PDF:1,212KB)
〇Chinese version (Simplified)(PDF:1,386KB)
〇Korean version(PDF:1,806KB)
〇Chinese version (Traditional)(PDF:1,494KB)
〇Spanish version(PDF:1,182KB)
〇Portuguese version(PDF:1,166KB)
〇Vietnamese version(PDF:1,271KB)
〇Tagalog version(PDF:1,077KB)

Full Version(PDF:23,138KB) (*Full Version is only available in Japanese.)

Where to inquire
ContentContact details
About matters related to measures against child poverty

Project and Coordination Division, Children and Youth Bureau(*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-4281
Fax: 045-663-8061
Email: kd-kikaku@city.yokohama.jp

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