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  8. April ①Naka Ward Sports Special: Watch All the Action Up Close! ➁Naka Ward Public Works Office, Safeguarding our Daily Lives!


April ①Naka Ward Sports Special: Watch All the Action Up Close! ➁Naka Ward Public Works Office, Safeguarding our Daily Lives!

This is an abridged version of “Koho Yokohama Naka-ku Ban,” Naka Ward Office’s public relations magazine. (Click here for the multilingual website of “Koho Yokohama City Edition”) Please note that all information is correct as of the time of publication and may be subject to change.

Last updated date:2023/4/10

①Naka Ward Sports Special: Watch All the Action Up Close!

[Inquiries] Bunka, Supōtsu, Seishōnen Tantō (Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Subdivision),

Naka Ward Office Tel: 045-224-8134 Fax: 045-224-8215

You can almost catch the breath of the athletes and feel the excitement of their powerful play unfolding in front of your eyes. And then there is the sense of unity that spectators share with each other. This is the real thrill of going to the venue to watch sports live and in person. Please come and experience it for yourself!

A. Yamashita Park area: Triathlon, paratriathlon

2023 World Triathlon Championship Series Yokohama
May 13 (Sat.) Elite Paratriathlon / Elite Triathlon
May 14 (Sun.) Age Group Race

“The speed at which the competitors pass in front of you is a real thrill. The lap course allows you to watch the bike and run in the same place.”
Hiromasa Hashimoto
Chairperson, Naka Ward Sports Promotion Committee Liaison Council

B. Yokohama Stadium: Professional baseball

“The sound of the pitches echoing and the sense of togetherness of everyone cheering for the players can only be found in a baseball stadium. The infield seats are close to the players, and the outfield seats allow people who don’t know each other to become friends. The food at the stadium is great, too!”
Taiga Asano
Naka Ward Office employee

C. Yokohama Budokan: Futsal, basketball

Yokohama Budokan is the home arena of the futsal team Y.S.C.C. Yokohama and the basketball team Yokohama Excellence. It also hosts games of the Yokohama B-Corsairs basketball team and national judo tournaments.

“The court is close to the spectators’ seats, meaning you can watch the players play up close and personal. The game develops quickly, and points are scored in an instant, so you can’t take your eyes off the action. The various tactics that lead to points are also fascinating.”
Kota Endo
Naka Ward Office employee

“It is exciting as the offense and defense change rapidly and the points keep coming. The opening and halftime performances, with their extraordinary lights and music, are also appealing. I have become a big fan of the game.”
Tomoko Kojima
Chairperson, District 4 Nambu Federation of Neighborhood Associations

Spectator calendar

➁Naka Ward Public Works Office, Safeguarding our Daily Lives!

[Inquiries] Naka Ward Doboku Jimusho(Public Works Office)

Tel: 045-641-7681 Fax: 045-664-6196

Roads, parks, and sewerage system. These are just some of the indispensable facilities that everyone uses in their daily lives. Naka Ward Public Works Office is responsible for the maintenance and management of these facilities on a daily basis.

We patrol about 240 km of roads in Naka Ward every day to look for damage and other problems, covering about 10,000 km in a year. We receive as many as 2,000 requests and petitions a year!


People and vehicles use these roads every day. We periodically resurface them to ensure their safety while repairing them and making them last longer.
We also maintain trees along streets and take measures to prevent obstructions falling onto roads from surrounding cliffs.

“Deterioration begins on the day work on the road is completed. We work diligently every day on maintenance and upkeep to ensure people can drive their vehicles in safety and comfort!”

Pothole in the road

Repairing a pothole in the road ↓

Reinforcement of road-facing cliffs ↓

We take measures to prevent sediment from flowing into the road due to cliff collapses and increase road safety.

← If bicycles are left unattended along roads, emergency vehicles will not be able to pass through, and the safety of the community will be compromised.

“Bicycles are convenient vehicles, but don’t leave them on the street. Park them where they belong, in a designated bike park!”

Working with the community

Members of the community have formed volunteer groups to help manage the parks and streets on a daily basis.

Training on tree trimming for members of a park conservation group →

Park conservation groups

There are 90 parks in the ward. 71 organizations are playing an active role as park conservation groups in helping keep our parks clean and plant flowers!

Hama Road Supporters

Road cleaning is carried out by 64 organizations (the most among the 18 wards) who love the community!


Parks are a welcome oasis in urban areas. They are places to relax, enjoy the flowers and greenery, sunbathe, chat, or read a book. Some parks are also equipped with fitness equipment for stretching and exercising muscles, making them a place to improve one’s health.
Another important job of the Public Works Office is to prune overgrown branches to protect the health of the trees.

We maintain trees throughout the year so that you can experience the joys of spring in your neighborhood during the cherry blossom season!

Twist board
Enter the circle and twist your upper body while grabbing onto the bar.

Back stretching bench
Sit deep into the bench and drape your upper body over the back of the bench.

← Paving work to make the park more walkable

“In addition to playground equipment for children, some parks also have fitness equipment for adults to help them stay fit and healthy.
If you come across any fitness equipment on your next visit to a park, please give it a try!”

Map of Naka Ward Parks

This map introduces all parks in Naka Ward with photos.
You can pick up a copy of the map at the Naka Ward Public Works Office, the General Information Desk on the 1st floor and Counter 63 on the 6th floor of Naka Ward Office, or Counter 401 on the 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Annex.
⇒ You can also download the map from Naka Ward’s website!

Sewerage system

Sewerage systems are the most closely connected and behind-the-scenes part of our daily lives. They are usually out of public sight, which is why they should be used with care. If waste oil is poured as it is down the kitchen sink, etc., it can clog the sewerage system. Please dispose of waste oil correctly.

← Clean condition
Inside of a sewage pipe (25 cm in diameter)

← Dirty condition
When waste oil is poured down the drain, the inside of the pipe looks like this. If pipes become clogged, sewage overflows may occur.

aka Ward is the birthplace of modern sewers in Japan
← Brick-built oval-shaped sewage pipe

“In front of our office, we have on display a sewage pipe that had been in use since 1881!”

Responding to disasters

During heavy rain, earthquakes, and snowfall, we conduct patrols to ensure the safe functioning of roads.
In preparation for disasters and other emergencies, we conclude agreements with all construction companies in the ward to ensure the necessary cooperation in the event of a disaster. We also conduct joint drills during normal times.

← An earthquake drill in progress
Using a step elimination member to climb over a large step

A road flooded by heavy rain ↓

When we find flooded streets during our patrols, we unclog the street catch basins (facilities that convey rainwater to the main sewage pipes) to ensure the safety of pedestrians



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