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Climate Change in Yokohama

Last updated date:2020/9/15

Modern global society with all of its comfort and convenience is the product of centuries of industrial development. In the process, incalculable volumes of fossil fuels - primarily oil and coal - have been burned, the resultant greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.

Global warming and associated climate change are now recognized as serious threats as we begin to see their effects: rising average temperatures, localized torrential downpours, changed weather patterns, etc. Effective global warming countermeasures are urgently needed. For the sake of conserving limited resources and in order that generations to come may enjoy Yokohama's rich environment, the city works hand in hand with various entities - its citizens and local companies - to develop and implement countermeasures and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, Yokohama is actively addressing "adaptation strategies" to resist and minimize damage by responding to climate change effects that are already occurring.

Under the revised plan, the goal of Yokohama’s global warming countermeasure is to “achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (zero-carbon) by 2050 (Zero Carbon Yokohama)”.

GHG emissions in yokohama

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