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Rules for disposing of garbage(ごみ捨てのルール)

Last updated date:2024/8/29

Please help us properly sort garbage and recyclables!

We generate large amounts of garbage in the course of our daily lives.
However, this garbage contains many recyclables that can still be used. It is up to us to decide whether the things we throw away end up as garbage, or become recyclables. By sorting and separating recyclables from garbage, even those things which would have been simply thrown out as waste can be reused and given new life.
Your cooperation is vital in helping us properly sort garbage and recyclables. While it may be a hassle to sort your garbage into categories, it is something we need to do to ensure that future generations can live in a clean and pleasant urban environment. As such, we ask for your kind cooperation.

The City of Yokohama's disposal procedures

Here in Yokohama City, we have several rules in place on how to properly dispose of garbage and recyclables (those things which can be recycled or reused).

  • Please separate garbage and recyclables into categories. Please see the page on how to separate and dispose of garbage and recyclables.
  • Please leave sorted garbage and recyclables at the designated collection site by 8 a.m. You cannot leave anything out the night before or after collection has taken place.
  • The days for leaving out garbage and recyclables are set according to where you live. To find out collection days for your area, please check the sticker at the collection site or ask someone in your neighborhood.

Obeying these rules for disposing garbage and recyclables is very important if we are to continue keeping our community a clean and pleasant place to live. Once again, please obey the rules.

Things you must NOT do

Taking away garbage and recyclables from collection sites

It is prohibited to take away used paper and other items that have been left at collection sites.
Anyone found to be in violation of this risks receiving a fine of up to 200,000 yen. If you spot anyone taking away items unlawfully, please report it.

Disregarding the rules for sorting garbage

You will cause a nuisance to the neighborhood if you fail to obey the rules for sorting garbage. Please dispose of garbage properly.
Garbage that has not been properly disposed of will be left where it is with a warning sticker.
The rules clearly state that garbage must be sorted properly before disposal. Repeat offenders who continue to ignore warnings will be issued with a fine of 2,000 yen.


Littering is prohibited in Yokohama City. This includes empty cans, paper waste, cigarette butts, and anything else. Anyone caught littering may have to pay a fine of up to 20,000 yen.

Please refrain from smoking while walking

When smoking outside, please stop and find a place to do so. Also, throwing cigarette butts on the ground is prohibited. Please carry a portable ashtray with you and dispose of cigarette butts correctly.

No smoking areas

There are no smoking areas Yokohama City (8 areas). These are located mainly in areas around train stations where many people pass through. No smoking areas prevent burns and scorch marks, and help keep our streets clean. Anyone caught smoking in a no smoking area will be fined 2,000 yen.

Beware of unlicensed disposal companies

- You risk running into trouble if you ask an unlicensed disposal company to dispose of garbage for you. Therefore, please ask your ward's collection office or a City of Yokohama licensed disposal company to collect your garbage.
- City of Yokohama licensed disposal companies would never collect people's unwanted items by advertising their services through a speaker on top of a vehicle, etc.
- There have been incidents in which unlicensed disposal companies advertising their services through a speaker, etc. have collected people's items for free but then demanded extortionate disposal fees or labor charges.
- If you are unsure whether a disposal company is licensed or not, please contact the Business Waste Management Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau.
- Please ask at your ward's collection office about how to sort and dispose of household garbage.

Where to inquire
Content Contact details
About rules on how to dispose of garbage and sorting waste Resources and Waste Collection Operation Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-3819
Fax: 045-662-1225
About littering, smoking while walking, no smoking areas, and taking away garbage and resources City Beautification Promotion Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2556
Fax: 045-663-8199
About disposal companies Business Waste Management Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2511
Fax: 045-663-0125

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