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Unlimited bus passes

Last updated date:2022/10/31

Prices of bus passes

・The unlimited city bus pass can be used on all routes※, including the following:
○Special routes (journeys charged by distance)
○Services operated by Yokohama Traffic Development
※Except Akai Kutsu Bus, A direct bus to MITSUI OUTLET PARK Yokohama bayside.
・For details of the multi-bus pass allowing travel on other operators' buses (including special routes and journeys charged by distance), click here.

Prices of bus passes
Zones of travelCommuter passStudent pass (from 13 years old)Student pass (up to 12 years old)
Length of validity1 month3 month6 month1 month3 month6 month1 month3 month6 month
Documents required to buy a passNot requiredTo purchase a new student pass or renew an existing one for the new school year, you will need to show certification.
【Up to 12 years old】
Something to confirm the child's identity
(Ex:valid health insurance card, student ID card )
【from 13 years old】
Student ID card or an attendance certificate issued by your school
Unnamed bearer type available*1××
Extension available*2×
Green pass programFellow passengers(up to 5 people) with a pass holder can get the discount when they use buses on Saturday, holidays, Aug. 12th-16th, and Dec. 25th- Jan. 7th (Cash only).××
Disability discount30% off the above prices.
  • Unnamed bearer type*1
    Unnamed bearer passes can be used by any person, and cost the same as named types.
  • Extensions*2
    Student passes can be extended up to 29 days, which may be useful if you need an extra few days for travel in the spring or summer vacations.
  • When using a late-night buses, use or show your unlimited pass and pay one ride fare in addition.

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Page ID:918-975-225