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Dewatering Equipment for Septage Management

Last updated date:2019/3/19


1. Introduction of Dewatering Equipment for Septage Management in Cebu city, Philippines

Amcon, INC. (based in Yokohama) conducted a JICA pilot survey for disseminating SME’s technologies for applicability of dewatering equipment for septage management. This sludge dewatering equipment is easy to operate and has reduced the water and power usage for local sludge treatment. This contributed to the establishment of ord inances concerning septage management in Cebu City, and the cities of Tarlac and Baguio have introduced the dewatering equipment to their sewage and septage treatment plants.

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2. Technology for Waste Water Management in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

Hinode Sangyo Co., Ltd (based in Yokohama), in collaboration with the City of Yokohama, is undertaking a feasibility study (JICA project) on a microbe dispersal treatment system. This project aims at achieving local assembly and manufacturing of the system as well as local development and production of the microbial agent. By introducing wastewater treatment facilities in large installations such as hotels, markets and factories, the project aims at improving the environment as well as public awareness on sanitation.

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